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For about fifteen years, Olé Khamchanla has undertaken numerous trips to Asia, trips where he would expend artistic experimentation, training and meetings. He has thus created strong links with local and international artists in Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Singapore, and particularly in Laos, influences that today nourish his dance and the activities of the Kham company, created in 2011.


Through these exchanges, numerous cooperation projects are being built throughout the region over the years, around creation, training, dissemination…


The company maintains a special partnership with Laos, particularly through the young Laotian dance company Fanglao, whose two directors were trained in contemporary dance by Olé Khamchanla. Thanks to this relationship, various projects have been co-organized for more than 10 years in France and Laos: support, training, residencies, workshops, construction of a choreographic center,…), and the Fang Mae Khong (FMK) international dance festival, the first and only contemporary dance festival in Laos.


The Asian region has been very dynamic in the choreographic sector for a few years now, and the double hat company/festival allows Kham to be part of these new regional networks to offer visibility to his artistic work and to the young Laotian scene.

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