Olé Khamchanla and Rochel Mancip in duet between dance and digital art.
The dance hybridized by the influences of hip-hop, butoh, traditional dances of Laos and Thailand mixes with the movements of images created by digital.
An identity and cultural quest.
Creation: 2017
Duration: 30min
Artistic direction: Olé Khamchanla
Choreographe et Dance: Olé Khamchanla
VJing/Video: Rochl Mancip "VJ ZERO"
Music: Léo Jourdain
Light Desing: Jessica Farinet
Photos: Rochl Mancip
Production: Compagnie KHAM
Support: DRAC Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes, Région Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes,
Département de la Drôme, Communauté de Communes de Porte DrômArdèche
APRIL 4 & 5 - Musée International des Arts Asiattiques Guimet - Paris (75) - cancelled Covid-1
FEBRUARY 21 & 22 - Ville de Chamonix (74)
JULY 10 - Château de Montseveroux (38)
MAY 20 & 21 - Salle Désiré Valette - St Vallier (26) - school representations
MARCH 20 & 21 - Le Safran - Amiens (80)
"A choreography mixing hip hop, break and contemporary combined with a breathtaking play of light."
Dauphiné Libéré​
"The result is strong and the image perfectly supports the dancer's view, giving it another dimension." The eclectic formation of Olé Khamchanla (hip hop and contemporary dance) and his bias to mix traditional Laotian dance reinforce the beauty of the show. "
Emmanuelle Vesco - Dauphiné Libéré