Olé Khamchanla and Pichet Klunchun question their traditional dances in a continuous negotiation between the codes of Khôn and hip-hop. What makes tradition ?
Creation: 2018
Duration: 50min
Artistic Director: Olé Khamchanla
Choreographers: Olé Khamchanla et Pichet Klunchun (Thailand)
Dancers: Olé Khamchanla (France) and Benjamin Tardif (Thailand)
Music composer: Léo Jourdain
Light Creation: Lise Poyol
Sound manager: Mathieu Vallet
Scenography: Lise Poyol & Léo Jourdain
Photography: Nattapas Jirasatit & Christian Rausch(BD)
Production: Le Tarmac - La scène internationale francophone (Paris)
Coproduction: Compagnie KHAM, La Halle aux Grains - Scène nationale de Blois, Centre Chorégraphique National de Rillieux-la-Pape, Viadanse - Centre Chorégraphique National de Belfort, Centre Chorégraphique National de La Rochelle, Kader Attou/Cie Accrorap, Pôle Sud - CDC de Strasbourg, L'Étincelle - Théâtre de la Ville de Rouen, Théâtre du Vellein - Villefontaine, New Visions Arts Festival - Hong-Kong
Support: DRAC Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes, Région Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes, Communauté de Communes de Porte DrômArdèche, Ambassade de France de Bangkok
Residencies: Chang Theater - Bangkok, Le Pacifique - CDC de Grenoble, Centre chorégraphique national de La Rochelle/Poitou-Charentes, Kader Attou/Cie Accrorap, Centre chorégraphique national de Rillieux-la-Pape - direction Yuval Pick, Viadanse - Centre chorégraphique national de Belfort
MARCH 15 - Théâtre d'Arles - Arles (13)
MARCH 12 - Théâtre du Vellein - Villefontaine (38)
NOVEMBER 2 & 3 - New Vision Arts Festival - Hong-Kong
OCTOBER 23 & 24 - Kuan Du Arts Festival - Taipei
MARCH 20 - Théâtre Sorano et CDCN Toulouse (31)
MARCH 15 au 17 - L’Etincelle – Théâtre de la Ville de Rouen (76)
MARCH 13 - Hall aux Grains - Blois (41)
FEBRUARY 06 au 16 (Off 10,11,12) - Le Tarmac la Scène Internationale Francophone Paris avec le festival Faits d'Hiver - Paris (75
JANVIER 30 & 31 - Premier! / Pôle Sud – CDCN Strasbourg (67)
JANVIER 20 - En avant-première ! / Festival Frimarts Via Danse – CCN Belfort (90)
"Around themes such as transmission, tradition and what remains of them today, memory and modernity, the two artists cross each other, relying on singularity and miscegenation to build a new spectacular vision. R. Boisseau, Le MONDE
"On the very successful electro percussive music of Léo Jourdain, fuse a kind of ritual, an impressive march, all dislocation and restraint of Olé, mysterious and beautiful ... a twist of the back of Pichet lets guess chimeras and shows us other worlds. A. Izrine, Danser, CANAL HISTORIQUE
"Both bring to the table questions that fascinate them about transmission, tradition and what is known as modernity. A striking double look by personalities who tightly knit yesterday and today. R. Boisseau, TELERAMA
"At the half-time of" Negotiation ", the meeting of the two dancers is dialogue: head on the shoulder, melee. Another energy emerges then. Pitcher Klunchun borrows some of his movements from Olé Khamchanla. And vice versa. » P. Noisette, LES ECHOS