Talks, exchanges, performance
December 7th 2022
Garden of Institut français of Vientiane - 6:30pm to 9:30pm
For the first time, FMK festival introduces an exclusive type of event : artistic talks.
The Artists Talks is a new event to offer a space of exchanges for creative professionals, emerging artists, and their audience.
Several artist from different disciplines (dance, theater, music, fine arts) from the Lao contemporary art scene, but also from Korea, Thailand, Taiwan and France will be presenting their work and sharing their experience around 2 thematics : Sharing their artistic journey (what it means to be and to live as an artist - the opportunities and difficulties to develop their art and practice in Laos and beyond) and sharing their creative process (what inspires them? How do they create?).
Through those exchanges among local and international artists, the Artists talks hope to inspire a generation of younger artists in Lao PDR and to encourage them to participate in the development of a rich artistic and cultural life in Laos.
Short presentations or performances, in free formats, from artists will punctuate the talks throughout the evening, including "Dance Up" an original creation from Fanglao to close the event.
6:30pm to 7:30pm : Artistic Talk (presentation from an artist + discussion with panelists + Q&A with the public)
7:30pm : Dance Up - performance of Fanglao, choreographied by Olé Khamchanla
8pm to 9:30pm : Informal talks around a drink and life music
GUESTS SPEAKERS - panelists :
Thiane Khamvongsa and the Beasts on the Moon theater Company
Khaen Souvannasan, Khene performer
Luck Psavath & Catherin O'Brien, fine art artist
The Pianist, classical orchestra
Fanglao team "Dance up"